페이지에 단축키를 적용
페이지 정보
작성자 MintState 댓글 0건 조회 9,522회 작성일 08-11-17 12:12본문
페이지에 단축키를 적용
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> // shortcut 시작 function shortcut(shortcut,callback,opt) { //Provide a set of default options var default_options = { 'type':'keydown', 'propagate':false, 'target':document } if(!opt) opt = default_options; else { for(var dfo in default_options) { if(typeof opt[dfo] == 'undefined') opt[dfo] = default_options[dfo]; } } var ele = opt.target if(typeof opt.target == 'string') ele = document.getElementById(opt.target); var ths = this; //The function to be called at keypress var func = function(e) { e = e || window.event; //Find Which key is pressed if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode; else if (e.which) code = e.which; var character = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(); var keys = shortcut.toLowerCase().split("+"); //Key Pressed - counts the number of valid keypresses - if it is same as the number of keys, the shortcut function is invoked var kp = 0; //Work around for stupid Shift key bug created by using lowercase - as a result the shift+num combination was broken var shift_nums = { "`":"~", "1":"!", "2":"@", "3":"#", "4":"$", "5":"%", "6":"^", "7":"&", "8":"*", "9":"(", "0":")", "-":"_", "=":"+", ";":":", "'":"\"", ",":"<", ".":">", "/":"?", "\\":"|" } //Special Keys - and their codes var special_keys = { 'esc':27, 'escape':27, 'tab':9, 'space':32, 'return':13, 'enter':13, 'backspace':8, 'scrolllock':145, 'scroll_lock':145, 'scroll':145, 'capslock':20, 'caps_lock':20, 'caps':20, 'numlock':144, 'num_lock':144, 'num':144, 'pause':19, 'break':19, 'insert':45, 'home':36, 'delete':46, 'end':35, 'pageup':33, 'page_up':33, 'pu':33, 'pagedown':34, 'page_down':34, 'pd':34, 'left':37, 'up':38, 'right':39, 'down':40, 'f1':112, 'f2':113, 'f3':114, 'f4':115, 'f5':116, 'f6':117, 'f7':118, 'f8':119, 'f9':120, 'f10':121, 'f11':122, 'f12':123 } for(var i=0; k=keys[i],i<keys.length; i++) { //Modifiers if(k == 'ctrl' || k == 'control') { if(e.ctrlKey) kp++; } else if(k == 'shift') { if(e.shiftKey) kp++; } else if(k == 'alt') { if(e.altKey) kp++; } else if(k.length > 1) { //If it is a special key if(special_keys[k] == code) kp++; } else { //The special keys did not match if(character == k) kp++; else { if(shift_nums[character] && e.shiftKey) { //Stupid Shift key bug created by using lowercase character = shift_nums[character]; if(character == k) kp++; } } } } if(kp == keys.length) { callback(e); if(!opt['propagate']) { //Stop the event //e.cancelBubble is supported by IE - this will kill the bubbling process. e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; //e.stopPropagation works only in Firefox. if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } return false; } } } //Attach the function with the event if(ele.addEventListener) ele.addEventListener(opt['type'], func, false); else if(ele.attachEvent) ele.attachEvent('on'+opt['type'], func); else ele['on'+opt['type']] = func; } </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> shortcut("shift+f2",function() { location.href='page2.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f3",function() { location.href='page3.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f4",function() { location.href='page4.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f5",function() { location.href='page5.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f6",function() { location.href='page6.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f7",function() { location.href='page7.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f8",function() { location.href='page8.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f9",function() { location.href='page9.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f10",function() { location.href='page10.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f11",function() { location.href='page11.html'; }); shortcut("shift+f12",function() { location.href='page12.html'; }); </script>
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